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Mass Effect 1 Armor Codes


Beyond these notable armors, choosing the best armor for you is a case of identifying what effect you most want to promote in your build. The Colossus Armor has the highest damage protection of all armors in the game, and is often mentioned in the same breath as the Predator types as the joint-best armors across all types in ME1.

Mass Effect 1 Armor Codes

The Kestrel Armor (originally part of the Aegis Pack DLC) has one evident major benefit over other sets in the game: it provides multiple effects when equipped. While other armor sets and pieces tend to focus on boosting one specific area, the Kestrel Armor is a good all-rounder.

Equipping them grants a 25% increase to melee damage, the largest effect granted by any individual armor piece in the game. Of course, its utility will be limited if you're playing a class which specialises in long-range combat; but it's sure to temp Solider and Vanguard players in particular.

Finally, one important effect boost we haven't touched on yet is health. For my money, the best armor piece for this effect is the Life Support Webbing, equipped in the leg slot. This piece can be bought from the Sirta Foundation on the Citadel and increases health by an impressive 10% when equipped, the largest health boost from any single piece of armor in the game.

Furthermore, leg armor pieces effects tend to be nice-to-have rather than boost areas essential to a core build; so it's well worth considering taking the health increase at the expense of a smaller amount of ammo capacity or speed.

It's a well-rounded must-have set of effects for Shepherds who find themselves in the thick of it in combat, particularly if you're confident that you have your offensive effects handled without needing an armor boost.

Note 1: I haven't tested all these codes, so use them at your own risk.Note 2: If you want to get REALLY crazy specific with the cheats, see these guides: Mass Effect 1 Wiki, Mass Effect 2 Wiki, Mass Effect 3 Wiki.Note 3: These are NOT Case-Sensitive, I just typed them that way to make it easier to read. GameCommandEffect 1,2GodEnable god mode - Shepard can't die, unless you fall off a cliff, or the game reqires you to allFlyEnable fly mode allGhostMove through walls, the ceiling, the floor 2,3SlowMo #Changes the game speed to #. 2 is twice as fast, 0.5 is half as fast 2StasisPartyFreezes your squad 1, 2SuperSpeedShepard moves really fast allTeleportMove player to location in crosshairs allWalkReturn to normal speed and on foot 3At BioP_NorTeleport to the Normandy (I sometimes get stuck in the Silver Sun Strip) 1SpawnVehicleSpawns a Mako at the cursor's location 1UpgradeVehicle 6 VehThrusterForceBoosterTriples the power of the Mako's thruster 2,3ToggleFlyCamToggles Free Camera mode 3Ce Hench_EmptyPlay solo. Don't do this where a squadmate is required for the mission 3Ce Hench_SetupSquad_NoFadeTeleports squad to Shepard's location 3Ce Hench_PickAnySelect any henchmen from full list where you are standing, even those you haven't recruited allCe hench_picksquadBrings up the squad selection screen - In LE2, will cause the game sounds to mute until you reload a save 1GiveBonusTalent TGives Shepard a bonus talent, see list below for talent numbers to replace T 2,3GivePower Target PGives the target a bonus power, see list below for how to replace P allGiveXP #Add amount of XP of # 1,2GiveTalentPoints #Sets number of unused Talent Points to # (can also be negative) (LE1: 46 to fill) 1Set BioAttributesPawnParty m_TalentPoints #Sets number of talent points for active squad mates and Shepard to # (LE1: 20 to fill) allSetParagon #Sets Paragoin Points to # allSetRenegade #Sets Renegade Points to # 3ShowWeaponSelectionOpens loadout menu. 3EnableDamage 0Disables damage done by you and everyone else 3EnableDamage 1Enables damage done by you and everyone else 3EnablePowerCooldown 0Enables instant power cooldown. In LE2, it's a toggle, so don't use the #. 3EnablePowerCooldown 1Disables instant power cooldown 2,3KillEnemiesKills all enemies currently spawned on the map 2,3KillPartyKills your squad 2KillPawnsRemoves squadmates and kills nearby enemies 2,3KillSelfOr Suicide - kills Shepard 2,3KillTargetKills the target under the reticle 3RestartLevelRestarts the level allAdjustCredits #Adds for subtracts # of Credits (put a - in front for negative) allInitCredits #Set number of Credits to # 1,3GiveItem Target WGives the target a weapon, see list below for how to replace W 1GiveAllAdds everything except for armor 1GiveAllArmorAdds all Armors 1GiveAllArmor NAdds all armor, replace N with manufacturer name (see below) 1GiveAllArmorHuman NAdds all human armor, replace N with manufacturer name 1GiveAllArmorKrogan NAdds all krogan armor, replace N with manufacturer name 1GiveAllArmorQuarian NAdds all quarian armor, replace N with manufacturer name 1GiveAllArmorTurian NAdds all turian armor, replace N with manufacturer name 1GiveAllBioamps NAdds all Bio Amps, replace N with manufacturer name 1GiveAllGrenades NAdds all Grenades, replace N with manufacturer name 1GiveAllOmniTools NAdds all Omni Tools, replace N with manufacturer name 1GiveAllWeapons NAdds all Weapons, replace N with manufacturer name 1GiveAllXModsAdds all Weapon and Armor Mods 1GiveSuperArmorShepard gets Super Armor 1GiveSuperGunLE1: replaces Shepard's current Assault Rifle with a Super Geth Gun. 3GiveSuperGunLE3: 9999 ammo & super damage for equipped weapon 2,3InitAmmo #Sets amount of ammo to # 2,3InitFuel #Sets amount of fuel to # 3InitFuelEfficiency #Fuel consumption rate. 1=default 0.5=half 0=uses no fuel allInitGrenades #Sets number of grenades to # allInitMedigel #Sets amount of medi-gel to # 2InitProbes #Sets number of probes to # 2InitEezo #Sets amount of Eezo to # 2InitIridium #Sets amount of Iridium to # 2InitPalladium #Sets amount of Palladiam to # 2InitPlatinum #Sets amount of Platinum to # 1InitSalvage #Sets the amount of OmniGel to # 3SetAllWeaponModLevels #Set all acquired weapon mods to level # (1 to 5) 2SetIntByName UUnlocks an upgrade, see list below for how to replace U 3ExitExits the game 2,3ShotTakes a screenshot allShow FogToggle fog off/on 2Stat FPSToggles display of the framerate 2,3ToggleHUDAlso ShowHUD - hides most of the HUD allGrantAllCodexUnlocks all the Codex Entries allUnlockAchievement AUnlock Achievements, see list below for numbers to replace A 1Exec filename.txt Execute a script. You can put many (as many as you like) of the above commands in a single text file, then place that text file in the C:\Games\Mass Effect Legendary Edition\Game\ME1\Binaries\ folder. In game, run this command (for example "exec cheat.txt"), and everything will execute as if you had typed it all in manually.LE1 Manufacturer names for replacing N:Aldrin, Ariake, Armax, Armali, Devlon, Elanus, Elkoss, Geth, HK, Kassa, Rosen, Serrice, Sitta [sic], Haliat, Jorman, Batarian, Cerberus, HKShadow, Spectre01, Spectre02, Spectre03LE1 To give yourself a specific item, type:GiveItem person level type Manf_manfname_thing_nameperson is either Self or Target. To give something to a squadmate, turn so the targeting bracket higlights the squadmate you want to give something to.level is the level of the item in digital numbers, not romantype is one of the following: Assault_Rifle, Sniper_Rifle, Shotgun, Pistol, Bioamp, OmnitoolArmors are HumanL, HumanM, HumanH, QuarianL, TurianL, TurianM, TurianH, KroganM, KroganHExamples: (for specifics, see the ME1 Wiki)GiveItem Target 10 Assault_Rifle Manf_Spectre03_Weap will give the targeted squadmate a level X HMWA Assault Rifle.giveitem self 10 bioamp manf_serrice_bioampgiveitem self 10 omnitool manf_serrice_omnitoolgiveitem target 10 TurianM manf_kassa_armor_colossusgiveitem self 10 x_armor_shieldVIgiveitem self 10 x_Gammo_HEgiveitem self 10 x_wammo_Harpoongiveitem self 10 x_wgear_frictionlessMATLE1 Talent numbers for replacing T:Note: The game won't let you use more than 6 at a time, so if you're full, adding more won't do you any good. 7Assault Rifles 14Shotguns 21Sniper Rifles 49Throw 50Lift 56Warp 57Singularity 63Barrier 64Stasis 84Electronics 86Damping 91Hacking 93Decryption 98First Aid 99MedicineLE2 Format for Bonus Powers replacing P:Format: GivePower target SFXPower_power name. Example: GivePower self SFXPower_Shockwave Note: The game won't let you use more than 6 at a time, so if you're full, adding more won't do you any good.For a full list of powers see the ME2 Wiki.Powers that can be successfully given to a squadmate:SFXPower_AIHackingSFXPower_ArmorPiercingAmmoSFXPower_CloakSFXPower_CombatDroneSFXPower_ConcussiveShotSFXPower_CrushSFXPower_CryoAmmoSFXPower_SingularitySFXPower_WarpAmmo_PlayerLE2 Upgrades for replacing U:Format: SetIntByName Name # Example: SetIntByName Tec_AutoPistol 5The # is the number of those upgrades you want in your inventory NameIncreases WhatNameIncreases What Tec_AutoPistolSubmachine Gun Damage Tec_AutoPistolR1SMG Shield Piercing Tec_AutoPistolR2SMG Extra Rounds Tec_AssaultRifleAssault Rifle Damage Tec_AssaultRifleR1Assault Rifle PenetrationTec_AssaultRifleR2Assault Rifle Accuracy Tec_BioticUpgradeBiotic Damage Tec_BioticUpgradeBiotic Damage Tec_BioticR1Biotic Duration Tec_BioticR2Biotic Cooldown Tec_HeavyAmmoHeavy Weapon Ammo Tec_HeavyPistolHeavy Pistol Damage Tec_HeavyPistolR1AP Heavy Pistol Tec_HeavyPistolR2Heavy Pistol Critical Tec_MediGelMedi-Gel Capacity Tec_MediGelR1Trauma Module Tec_MediGelR2Emergency Shielding Tec_ShepardHealthHeavy Skin Weave Tec_ShepardR1Heavy Bone Weave Tec_ShepardR2Heavy Muscle Weave Tec_ShieldDamage Protection Tec_ShieldR1Burst Regeneration Tec_ShieldR2Hard Shields Tec_ShotgunShotgun Damage Tec_ShotgunR1Shotgun Shield Piercing Tec_ShotgunR2Shotgun Extra Rounds Tec_SniperRifleSniper Rifle Damage Tec_SniperRifleR1AP Sniper Rifle Tec_SniperRifleR2Sniper Headshot Damage Tec_TechUpgradeTech Damage Tec_TechR1Tech Duration Tec_TechR2Tech Cooldowns Tec_HackModuleHack Module for hacking mini game Tec_BypassModuleBypass Module for the bypass mini game Tec_GruntShotgunGrunt's Shotgun damage Tec_GruntUpgradeGrunt's Vitality Tec_JackUpgradeJack's Biotics Tec_LegionSniperLegion's Sniper Rifle damage Tec_LegionUpgradeLegion's Shield Strength Tec_MordinUpgradeMordin's Omni-ToolLE3 Valid Targets:AndersonAshleyAriaEDIGarrusJamesJavikKaidanLiaraNyreenSelfTaliLE3: Format for Bonus Powers replacing P:Format: GivePower Target PowerName. Example: GivePower self Shockwave Note: Most powers reset on gameload, the only powers that don't are bonus powers, which are the only ones I've listed below.Valid Bonus Powers:CarnageDarkChannelEnergyDrainMarksmanProximityMineReaveSlamStasisDecoyProtectorDrone (Defense Drone)BarrierFortificationGethShieldBoost (Defensive Matrix)InfernoGrenadeArmorPiercingAmmoWarpAmmoLE 3: Format for Weapons replacing W:Format: GiveItem Target WeaponName. Example: GiveItem Self Saber Note: The heavy weapons can't be aquired this way.ASSAULTargusavengercobracollectorfalcongethmattockreckoningrevenantsabervalkyrievindicatorPISTOLcarnifexeagleivoryphalanxpredatorscorpiontalonthorSHOTGUNclaymorecrusaderdiscipleevisceratorgraalkatanaraiderscimitarshotgun_gethstrikerSMGhornethurricanelocustshurikentempestSNIPERblackwidowincisorindrajavelinmantisraptorvaliantviperwidowlast modified 1 August 2021 2ff7e9595c


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