The Omnic Atlus 7.2 software now provides a complete imaging solution forinfrared and Raman microscopes with the addition of content analysis of bothvideo and chemical images for particle dimensions and advanced image statistics.Images can also be reproduced through the added ability to pull information fromthe software's history, allowing users to easily recreate an image from raw dataand processing steps. Spectral statistics allow users to group spectra andperform advanced statistics, as well as employing principal component analysisto minimize the spectral contribution of undesired features while improving thesignal to noise and the spatial resolution of the overall set of data.
Omnic Software Download Ftir Microscope
The OMNIC Atlμs 7.2 software (Plate 1) now provides a complete imagingsolution for infrared and Raman microscopes with the addition of contentanalysis of both video and chemical images for particle dimensions and advancedimage statistics. Images can also be reproduced through the added ability topull information from the software's history, allowing users to easily recreatean image from raw data and processing steps. Spectral statistics allow users togroup spectra and perform advanced statistics, as well as employing principalcomponent analysis to minimize the spectral contribution of undesired featureswhile improving the signal to noise and the spatial resolution of the overallset of data. 2ff7e9595c